Term 3, 2024
From the Principal
Book Week
Gold Medal
School Facility
Walk a Mile in My Boots
International Students Welcome Event
Friendship Cup
Bullying No Way
Solar System
Wear It Purple Day
Nursing Home
Work Studies - Benches at the table tennis recreation area
Ground Mural
Lollies for Charities
Excursion to the Royal Adelaide Show
Are You Ok?
Peace Poles
From the Principal

This term, we celebrated a range of significant events including the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, Book Week, SSO week, Wear It Purple Day and the International Day of Peace.
Week 5 was a time for us to acknowledge the amazing work of our school support staff who do so much for our students, staff and families. Classes organised a range of activities to show their appreciation and a morning tea was held to say thank you.
The International Day of Peace was celebrated with a student achievement assembly where students were presented with certificates for academic achievement, sports awards and contribution to the Student Representative Council (SRC).
Building works are continuing after the completion of the east building toilet upgrade, with work on our undercover walkway commencing these October holidays, along with the refurbishment of our ICT Hub. This will involve the installation of glass internal doors to create an additional classroom, as we are continuing to experience enrolment pressures and issues around adequate classroom spaces with us trying to accommodate over 600 students in the school.
The increase in student numbers has also put pressure on the school bus service, and although changes were recently made to our school bus routes, including the addition of 3 buses as part of the after-school bus service, buses remain full. The changes to the bus service have however, made a welcome reduction to travel times for many of our students.
In order to better cater for all of our new students, five on-going teaching positions were recently advertised and although the selection process is yet to be completed, we are looking forward to appointing new teachers to the school. Four leadership positions for 2025 will also be advertised soon.
This term, our Governing Council spent some time looking at the Department for Education’s purpose for public education and Areas of Impact, as well as possible future areas for improvement at Adelaide Secondary School of English (ASSoE). A change in day structure to commence in 2025 was also discussed with families, feedback on possible models outlining positives and negatives for each of the models was provided. A final decision around our future day structure will be made in term 4, as it will have an impact on the start and end times of the school day.
Our curriculum team has been planning and preparing for 71 students currently in Transition level to commence a Post-Transition course in Term 4, which will help them better prepare for entry into mainstream schools in 2025. These students will study Australian Curriculum units of work written for mainstream students in years 8 -10. They will also have the option of selecting from elective subjects including Digital Technologies, Arts, Specialist Sport, History, Food Technologies and Music.
As we head into term 4, I would like to thank the school community for their on-going support and understanding as we have navigated and managed a difficult term with many challenges for some of our families.
Looking forward to another busy and rewarding final term for 2024.
Anti Macri
Book Week
Adelaide Secondary School of English (ASSoE) celebrated Book Week for the first time this year on Tuesday 20th August. Book Week is a time when schools in Australia celebrate the joy of reading and the importance of books, and the way books can change our lives. Book Week is also an opportunity for staff and students to dress up as book characters and many staff members took this opportunity to dress up as their favourite characters.
The day kicked off with the news that many characters had escaped from the books in the library. Students watched the news item on TV (made by the wonderful Ms Kirsty O'Connor) reporting on the missing characters. Ms Catherine Gates from the library was interviewed by the news team and she asked all the students of ASSoE to help her to find the missing characters who were wandering around the school.
Students enjoyed searching for the missing characters (staff!) throughout the day. It was clear that the staff had a great day, too. This may become an annual event...!
Ms Michelle Smith

Gold Medal
Zhiyan Fang (Yaffa), from Class 47, represented South Australia at a national table tennis event in Perth during the July holidays. Yaffa won gold for the team event for her age group. She also received a bronze medal for doubles. This is an amazing achievement. Congratulations, Yaffa!
Mr Peter Wallace

School Facility

We are pleased to announce the reopening of our East building student & visitor toilets, which have undergone a comprehensive renovation this year. The new design not only revitalises the space but also incorporates modern features. Each cubicle is now furnished with its own dedicated sink and hand dryer for privacy, hygiene and convenience. These improvements have been well received by our students.
The modernised facilities reflect our commitment to maintaining a high standard of care for our school community.
We are grateful for everyone’s patience during the renovation process.
Thank you for your continued support as we strive to provide the best possible environment for learning and growth.
Ms Kellye Rowe (Business Manager)
Walk a Mile in My Boots
In South Australia the statistics indicate that there were around 7,000 people experiencing homelessness this past winter. As part of the National Homelessness Week (5-11 August), here at ASSoE we participated in the Walk a Mile in My Boots fundraiser. On Thursday 8th of August our staff and students walked a mile to raise awareness and funds to support the vital role Hutt Street Centre plays in supporting homeless people in our community. Our school raised $482.45.
Student Wellbeing team

International Students Welcome Event
On Tuesday August 13th, our new international students attended a welcome event at St Clair Recreation Centre. Over 500 international students from schools all around Adelaide joined in the event and were entertained by interesting presentations. These included a Didgeridoo demonstration performed by Mr Gary Passmore, an interactive native animal show from Animals Anonymous, Safety Tips, International Education Services (IES) and student support services, and guest speakers from Royal Life Saving SA and Study Adelaide. Following the official address, students explored a range of information booths featuring native animals, Australian food tasting, tertiary education options, cultural booths and even a special interactive music activity lead by Ms Parky Anderson from our school. It was a fantastic day and our students participated enthusiastically in many of the activities on offer. Lunch was provided to all students and staff who attended. Special thanks to Ms Martha Maiorana and Ms Amanda Graham, who made the day even more enjoyable. Well done to the ISP students who attended from our school.
Ms Leah Thornton

Friendship Cup
On Thursday 12th September, Adelaide Secondary School of English played a soccer match in the Friendship Cup against St Ignatius College, where both boys' and girls' teams had impressive performances. In the boys' game, despite being down 2-0 early, they fought back to secure a 2-2 draw, showcasing resilience and teamwork. The girls' team had a thrilling match, winning 4-3 in an exciting and closely contested game.
St Ignatius College showed great hospitality, warmly welcoming both staff and students, making the day enjoyable for everyone involved. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and mutual respect, highlighting the spirit of the Friendship Cup.
Mr Teo Zoitakis

Bullying No Way
As part of National Bullying No Way Week, we held a lunch time event with food, music and games on Friday 16th of August. The theme for 2024 was Everyone Belongs and our SRC students developed a poster for a colouring competition to promote inclusion and kindness.
Student Wellbeing team

Solar System

Students of Class 33 excitedly drew fabulous artwork for the topic of Solar System (Science). We chose and drew the planet that we liked the most. Many of us felt that Saturn was the coolest! We consulted books and pictures for accurate depictions of our chosen planet. We enthusiastically posed with our stunning artwork and proudly pinned it up on the noticeboards in the classroom so that we can show other teachers. We also made artwork about Star Constellations. First, we drew the constellations. Next, we made paper stars and attached them to the stars in our constellations. Finally, we posed for pictures and decorated our noticeboards with more fantastic science work!
Ms Ariel Chuang
Wear It Purple Day
On Friday 30th August, we celebrated Wear It Purple Day, where students and staff could wear something purple to show support for LGBTIA+ people. The Rainbow Club created a display of colourful flags to represent sexuality and gender diversity, for example special flags for transgender, lesbian, pansexual, intersex and gay people and identities. By celebrating this day, we showed that our school is safe and welcomes everyone, regardless of their sexuality or gender. Students gathered at lunchtime for games and activities, and wore rainbow ribbons and badges.
Mr Paul Coats
Students of Class 32 enthusiastically showed support for Wear It Purple day by wearing purple bracelets made of purple-coloured paper. The bands were handmade by students and Ms Ariel. We passionately wrapped the bracelets around each other's wrists after each student completed our Directed Investigation writing piece and we wore them throughout recess. Our entire class then eagerly posed for cool pictures!
Ms Ariel Chuang

Nursing Home

On Monday 9th September, Class 41 and Class 43 went on an excursion to a Nursing Home in West Lakes. The students actively participated in various activities such as exercising and bowling with the residents, as well as engaging in conversations with them.
Ms Yelena Timochshenko
Work Studies - Benches at the table tennis recreation area
We are thrilled to highlight the excellent work of Class 35 & 39, who, under the expert guidance of their tech teacher, Mr Hilterbrand, have successfully produced two beautiful composite-wooden outdoor benches for our new table tennis recreation area.
This project was not only about creating functional and aesthetically pleasing benches but also about equipping our students with a variety of valuable skills. Throughout the process, students engaged in:
- Planning: Students learned to outline the project from start to finish, ensuring all steps were accounted for.
- Measuring: using precision in measuring to reduce waste.
- Cost Analysis and Price Comparisons: Students performed cost analysis and compared prices to ensure the project stayed within budget.
- Ordering: Learning how to source and order materials was an essential part of the process.
- 3D Technical Drawing and Design: The project began with detailed 3D technical drawings, allowing students to visualise the final product and understand the importance of precision and planning in design.
- Tool Use: Including cutting, pre-drilling, screwing, and sanding. Under Mr Hilterbrand's supervision these hands-on activities taught students the practical aspects of woodworking, enhancing their practical skills and understanding of tool safety.
- Teamwork and Collaboration: Working together as a team, students learned the importance of communication, cooperation, and collective problem-solving.
- Following Instructions: Adhering to detailed instructions was crucial for the project's success.
The benches are a testament to the hard work of our students. We extend our thanks to the students and Mr Hilterbrand for their outstanding efforts and for providing a comfortable space for students to enjoy during recess and lunch time.
Ms Kellye Rowe (Business Manager)

Ground Mural
The ground mural outside the staff room is almost complete. A joint semester long project between Work Studies classes 5 & 6, with EIF students from class 13 also contributing. It incorporates elements of student's cultures as well as the global street art of ground murals.
Ms Leila Haq

Lollies for Charities

On Monday the 23rd of September, Class 14 ran a lolly stall to raise money for the Women and Children’s Hospital, and Canteen, a charity that support teenagers with cancer. Our students donated money, and Miss Cassie bought a range of lollies to sell. The stall was a huge success, and we sold out during recess time! The money raised was shared between the two charities. We are so grateful to all of the students who bought from us.
Class 14 & Mss Cassie Brian
Excursion to the Royal Adelaide Show
On Thursday 5th September, three classes (4, 10 and 36) attended the Royal Adelaide Show. Students were delighted to see and interact with a wide range of farm animals, watch the wood-chopping competition and learn about agricultural activities like milking cows and shearing sheep. There were many arts, crafts, gardens and flower arrangements on display and the students particularly enjoyed having their photos taken with SA Police and at the Channel 7 news desk. At lunch time, the students watched an equestrian (horse riding) show in the main arena, and some students were fortunate to be able to pat and groom cows or hold and feed small poultry chicks. It was a memorable day and students enjoyed experiencing some of the features of rural life on display.
Mr Paul Coats

Are You Ok?

On Friday 13th of September, we celebrated R U OK Day with a lunch time event. Class 29 baked, decorated and sold over 200 cupcakes fundraiser. R U OK Day is a day all about helping our friends, classmates and family. R U OK is a time to remind us of all the people in our lives who are there to help and starting a conversation is the first step to helping others.
Student Wellbeing team

Peace Poles
These clay totems have been installed in between the art room and the kitchen. They have been a joint project between four classes (7, 10, 33 and 34) working on the theme of Peace.
Ms Leila Haq